Ming Kee Metal Parts Limited is honored to be a member of HKSLMMSA (The Hong Kong Synthetic Leather & Metal Material Suppliers’ Association) for attending the 2014 Industrial and Commercial Circles’ Lunar New Year Gathering & 10th Anniversary Celebration.
【TaKungPao Newspaper】
Hong Kong Industrial and Commercial Circles has held “2014 Industrial and Commercial Circles’ Lunar New Year Gathering & 10th Anniversary Celebration” at HKCEC (Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre”. LOCPG’s (Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government) vice minister – Mr. Kwok, Customs Commissioner – Mr. Cheung, CEDB’s (Commerce and Economic Development Bureau) Deputy Director General – Mr. Leung and over 1500 guests have attended the event for Lunar New Year Gathering and celebrating 10th Anniversary.
The president of Preparation Committee – Mr. Lee Yuen Fat wished all the best for all the attendants. And he said that Industrial and Commercial Circles is the main part of the Economic development in Hong Kong. This Year (2014), the global financial and economic become complex. Financial, economic and monetary restructuring are happening over the world. Industrial and Commercial Circles in Hong Kong must need to adjust their marketing strategy and development direction, and grasp the various opportunity to consolidate trade and logistics, tourism, financial services, business and professional services. So that, Hong Kong’s international character could be maintained and could be walking to a road of high-value-added. Industrial and commercial circles should make the “Hong Kong Dream” together.
The vice president of Preparation Committee – Ms. Wong introduced that Industrial and commercial circles’ Gathering was already 10th Anniversary. She thanked over 50 association and institution for supporting and participating. To keep the spirit of “From society, with all the people” and encourage the eco-friendly, the remaining food from the dinner will be forward to some needy people through an environmental group – “Food Angel”.
For reviewing the past 9 years of the Industrial and Commercial Circles, a Time Tunnel had been set up at the entrance.
Reported Date: 28th Feb, 2014